Virtual reality

VR creating an impact in Military

Virtual reality

VR creating an impact in Military

Virtual Reality is a world of endless possibilities where reality ends and imagination begins. VR provides a computer-generated simulated training program that has been used across various sectors. It gives the benefit of training professionals in a safe and controlled environment and VR is now adopted by Military as well that accurately reflects real-life scenarios.

This article summarizes the different usages of VR particularly in defence.

VR in Military

VR was used in the year 1960s as a part of the United States military’s battle simulation system. VR can engage users in the virtual world through visual, auditory, and tactile to get real-life experience.

VR is the amalgamation of various techniques that include multimedia, image processing, sensor, and network technologies. VR in military training allows trainee to hone their skills and actions as reaction to the constantly changing scenarios.

VR applications in Military

1. Virtual boot camp and combat training

Military camps all around the world are using VR for training their soldiers in complex environments where it provides the realistic digital simulation of fighting with enemies and other external factors like dealing with weather conditions.

By applying such simulation-based training, soldiers can handle the high level of stressful environments and improve their combat training skills. VR plays a crucial role in dealing with suicide bombers and sniper attacks.

2. Equipment Training

VR training concentrates on soldiers’ ability to use specific equipment in their work like haptic VR guns, head mounted devices, armoured vehicles, and submarines.

The pilot training program with virtual reality can completely change traditional-based training. The US Airforce trains new pilots by using HTC Vive in combination with other virtual equipment to simulate a virtual cockpit. Using advanced biometrics and AI, allows the trainees to practice techniques that can be evaluated successfully.

3. Virtual Training for Medical trainees

The skill sets of medical trainees must be updated frequently to handle the changing combat environments and trauma care. With VR, trainees get to experience the real-life environment with effective responses.

Medical trainees get the chance to take up training in a risk-free environment. VR training aids medical professionals in treating patients with life-threatening conditions such as loss of limbs and burns.

4. VR for Maintenance and Assembly Training

Virtual and mixed-reality technologies used in the maintenance and assembly of several machines. Whether it is a marine ship or aircraft each has unique constraints and requires different assembly and maintenance techniques.

5. VR in optimizing the equipment’s

Defence vehicles such as aircraft, ships, and missiles are made of diverse types of electro-mechanical systems. With VR, the machines and equipment’s can be optimized according to the variant weather conditions without causing any wear and tear.

Through VR simulation when equipment is showing excessive wear and tear then it can be reported to the design team before the production process.

6. VR flight simulation

VR is specifically used in flight simulations to train pilots according to their specifications and teach them different flying techniques in case of any emergencies and give communication to the ground.

The training pilots are given the different virtual aircrafts and fighter planes with the VR simulation to replicate the flight movements. The pilots will understand the real-life consequences of the battlefield and what will happen even if a small mistake happens.

7. Virtual Navy

Naval institutions throughout the world have implemented VR training to train navy professionals. From maintenance engineers to ship captains, each is specified training according to their area of expertise.

8. Treating Stress Disorders

VR is used in treating soldiers with traumatic events like stress disorders. The virtual tool used here enables the soldiers to get a peaceful experience to forget the experience of the stressful situation which has occurred on the battlefield.

VR tools will gradually control the stress and track their stress levels.

How Military training is getting benefitted from Virtual Reality

1. Reduce costs

The cost of physical devices is consequently high which are deployed in training the soldiers. But with VR simulation the need for physical devices gets reduced. The VR simulation puts the soldiers under different stressful situations to give a real-life scenario.

2. Enhanced Engagement

VR takes the soldiers to a virtual environment where everything seems to be realistic, and it increases engagement. This will allow the soldiers to prepare for real-life combat situations.

3. Increases Safety

VR simulation creates real-life weapons and the tracking devices provide training soldiers with a more natural training experience. This will give more safety and avoids the risks.

4. Increases the Convenience

Using technical devices is easy and convenient when compared to the original devices. This will increase the learning experience and gives the ability to make mistakes and learn from them.

Future of Virtual Reality in Military and Defence

Through VR simulation real-life scenarios can be repeated multiple times. The simulation process provides a realistic 3-dimensional battlefield environment and visualizes the execution result of commanders under different scenarios.

Immersive technologies like VR have the full potential to help soldiers in gaining knowledge and increase skills at a higher level with realistic training.

Sapizon Technologies is a seasonal developer of VR solutions for defence.

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