UAT Process

How Can a QA Team Efficiently Support the UAT Process?

UAT Process

How Can a QA Team Efficiently Support the UAT Process?

User Acceptance Testing is a crucial phase in the Software Testing Life Cycle as it ensures the desired system meets user requirements. The fact that this process is carried out by a real representative user defines the magnitude of its importance.

Every software application needs to go through User Acceptance Tests as it is the last step that validates product quality, accuracy, and compliance before a product is deployed.

A successful UAT process demands QA teams and testers to develop optimized skills and testing techniques coupled with automation. They are required to work in collaboration with the development team.

Objectives of UAT

The following are the objectives of UAT

  • To verify system setup for transactions and access to users.
  • To double-check the use of the system in implementing processes.
  • To validate performance related to crucial business functions.
  • To verify the integrity of converted data.
  • To evaluate sign-off readiness.

Understanding what UAT is and why it should not be avoided?

User Acceptance Testing is a type of black-box testing. In this process, the emphasis is on the functionality and usability of the application instead of the technical aspects.

UAT is the last step in the QA effort and STLC. It is ideally carried out just before the release of the application and in an environment that resembles the production environment.

Often, User Acceptance Testing is carried out by a group of individuals that represent a section of users who are likely to be using the new application after it is released. In other words, it comprises the target audience.

Today, every business organization aims to deliver products and services that are of the highest quality. Ensuring that the product is of the best quality and meets market standards brings the QA team into perspective.

Under the purview of the QA team, review processes are organized, and the best testing practices are rendered for determining the quality of a product or application.

Several organizations are now comprehending the utilization of UAT extensively. This method is performed to obtain valuable feedback from product owners, clients, and customers.

Carrying out this software testing method is one of the ways to ensure that the functionality, scalability, quality, and security of a particular application is meeting user expectations and that the tests have delivered the desired results.

Why organizations want to leverage UAT?

To understand how QA teams support the UAT process, it is important to come to terms with why enterprises want to leverage this process. According to more than 50% of QA experts, it is the same.

Standalone QA companies like Sapizon Technologies emphasize UAT and our team plays a significant role in supporting the process to ensure optimal and timely software delivery.

There are a couple of factors that determine the type of role the QA team would play in the UAT process:

The Significance of QA Teams:

When a business organization makes a strategic move by embracing the QA function, several components like the tools, resources, and controls are integrated to maximize efficiency in the process.

This integration enables a detailed review of the product. The system is further evaluated and helps in finding defects, design, and functionality issues. Here, the QA team prepares thorough documentation that covers specific tools, processes, and practices for developing a product that is rich in quality.

The role of the QA manager here is to track the progress of product development and use the testing methods to resolve functionality and performance issues.

The Necessity of UAT:

The UAT method helps enterprises determine what the customer expects from the product by seeking their feedback. Customers here behave as a feedback support group

that gives feedback for improving the functionality and user experience of developed products.

UAT is essentially the final phase of software testing where the product owner or the customers run tests on the developed product in real-time and provide their valuable suggestions to the QA team. The QA team considers the feedback and plans their actions accordingly.

Summarizing the role of QA teams in the UAT process

The UAT process is extensively focused on developing quality products and seeking feedbacks regularly from customers. QA teams here must ensure that each method and strategy is executed to improve the quality and usability of the product while making user-friendly

QA teams must streamline the testing processes that define the outcome of UAT and leverage the UAT execution with far better efficiency.

Testers need to work on iterating the product functions based on improving the quality of a product. Through various inspections and process checklists, QA teams can improvise their processes and contribute to developing a top-quality product.

Closing Thoughts

As iterated earlier, UAT is an important element in any QA program. To avail of the optimum results from this testing process, an experienced QA team coupled with the right equipment and tools is needed.

Sapizon Technologies is one of the best software testing companies holding great expertise in every QA process including Regression Testing, UAT, and performance testing.

More than 50% of enterprises that outsource these services are reliant on us for handling their process. We comprise a powerful workforce that has completed more than 250+ projects and leaves no stone unturned to help the clients achieve their goal.

Let’s work together to make your business journey successful.